Saturday, December 25, 2010

Randomly Speaking....

It's Xmas day...finally. I still don't feel the Xmas feeling...mayb whn I start my cooking for d day, I will...

The people who live behind my house just never stop talking and their babies never stop crying...I don't gerrit. Even on Xmas day whn they are supposed to be soberly reflecting...

It's Xmas day and there's no light. Nepa sef *smh*

I went to the salon to relax or retouch my hair, as they call it. I think it should be called RETORCHING bcos my brain was on fire. Everytime I put myself thru this torture, I promise myself never to do it again. I felt like my brain cells were being shrunk by acid. See me repeatedly tapping my feet on the floor like a masquerade dancer. But then, if I don't "retorch" my hair, it will be so strong that combing it will also destroy my brain cells. Lose-lose situation. So now I've concluded that my brain cells will be more functional if I had NO HAIR (aka Gorimapa). Who knows I could have invented something by now if not for all this hair wahala I have had to go thru since I was six months old (retorching, drying, perming, weaving, braiding etc etc)

I'm blogging with my phone and it isn't half as fun as it i with my I'll be back...

Merry Xmas!!!

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